Verified website Word Search – World's Biggest hack free cheat engine

Verified website Word Search – World's Biggest hack free cheat engine



Word Search – World's Biggest hack generator language English


Size: 163,4 Megabytes / Review: Find thousands of words in the biggest and best wordsearch puzzle ever! Play now for FREE! / In-App: Quick Puzzle - all sections / Published dates: 2013-06-19 / author: AppyNation Ltd / English / Critique: I like that there are several word searches available, but there are two things that I am annoyed by. First off, those ads that pop up at the bottom cover up the last row of words, so you end up waiting on them to disappear before finding out what other words you still need to find. Secondly, when you've finally used up your tokens, there's virtually no way to get anymore unless you buy them, "earn" them (which is rare), or wait out 3 minutes to earn 1 token until you reach 10 tokens. 10 tokens isn't even enough to play about half of the word searches! Overall, it's good, but those are two areas that could use some work.



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